October 14

3 MedBall Exercises To Improve Throwing Velocity

3 MedBall Exercises To Improve Throwing Velocity

Baseball Players Can Improve Throwing Velocity

Though there are many ways to help baseball players throw harder and boost their velocity.

We are focusing on POWER!

One of the best tools to for more power during throwing us the use of MedBalls because it allows the baseball player to accelerate through the whole range of motion while not decelerating at all.

They get to generate massive amounts of force with no repercussion.

improve throwing velocity 1/2 kneeling shotput

1/2 Kneeling Shot Put

Medball Exercise #1 To Improve Throwing Velocity |
1/2 Kneeling Rotational Shot Put

We love the 1/2 Kneeling position because it teaches the baseball player to generate force through their trunk and finish through their arm which completely takes the legs out of the equation.

How to Perform
  • Start in a 1/2 Kneeling Position (Outside knee up, inside knee down)
  • Balance the medball with the inside arm, and raise your elbow up behind the medball
  • Rotate away from the ball and then accelerate the medball at the wall

Rotational Overhead Medball Slams (Individual)

Medball Exercise #2 To Improve Throwing Velocity | 
​1/2 Kneeling Rotational Shot Put

The Rotational Overhead slams is a simple way for the baseball player to create rotation from thoracic spine while getting up in the overhead position. 

Baseball players can start to generate some force from the lower body to get more power in their slams.

How to Perform
  • Get a nice wide base with you feet and the medball starting on one of the hips
  • Start the motion from the legs and start to rotate the medball from one side of the body to get up and overhead
  • Once you reach the top of the motion and get on your tippy toes, violently slam the medball on the outside of the opposite foot
improve throwing velocity lateral bound + shotput

Rotational Overhead Medball Slams (Individual)

Medball Exercise #3 To Improve Throwing Velocity | 
​Lateral Bound + Shot Put

The Rotational Overhead slams is a simple way for the baseball player to create rotation from thoracic spine while getting up in the overhead position. 

Baseball players can start to generate some force from the lower body to get more power in their slams.

How to Perform
  • Get a nice wide base with you feet and the medball starting on one of the hips
  • Start the motion from the legs and start to rotate the medball from one side of the body to get up and overhead
  • Once you reach the top of the motion and get on your tippy toes, violently slam the medball on the outside of the opposite foot

Want to add 2-4 MPH's to your throwing velocity this season?

 Live Baseball Arm Velocity Clinic - October 20th , 2018

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About the Author

A former walk-on football player, Gym Owner, and industry leading Speed & Strength Coach that specializes in helping team sport athletes sprint faster and develop explosive power that is sport-specific and translates to on-field success the athlete can feel.

His mission is to empower 1,000 athletes earn college scholarships by 2040 through coaching in person, his YouTube channel and the products he creates.

Josh Gibson

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