February 22

3 Advanced Exercises To Strengthen Core For Sprinters


3 Advanced Exercises To Strengthen Core For Sprinters

Athletes must have a strong core if they want to sprint faster.

Simple exercises to strengthen the core like planks, crunches etc. work for beginner athletes but eventually get boring and need to be advanced and progressed in order to make it more "specific" for the demands of the athlete while they sprint or play their sport.

Advancing and progressing exercises is a special skill to help make sure all your training transfers to your sport and movement. 

A simple sample progression of advancing exercises to strengthen your core for speed would be:

Front Plank > Plank + Reach > Loaded Sit Ups > TRX Fall Outs

This progression goes from simple, basic and essential to faster, heavier or more complex which are more specific to speed and the demands of playing an athletes sport.

Simply, you advance the exercise every training block lasting 3-4 weeks.

1) TRX Fallout

Key Coaching Points

  • Set your feet (wider for easier / narrow for harder)
  • Start with a slight posterior pelvic tilt (tuck your tail)
  • Keep and maintain your "brace" as your arms reach forward
  • Pull your arms back under neath your arm pits


  • Losing lower back position and sliding into extension
  • Letting your hips drop forward excessively while going forward
  • Leading by sticking your butt out when
  • Going too far too fast - start small and work your way out

2) Front Plank With Reach

Key Coaching Points

  • Set your feet (wider for easier / narrow for harder)
  • Start with a slight posterior pelvic tilt (tuck your tail)
  • Reach 1 arm out as far as you can in a controlled motion 
  • Bring you arm back and alternate sides


  • Losing lower back position and sliding into extension
  • Letting your hips drop forward excessively while going forward
  • Don't let your hips raise and tilt side to side - think about balancing a glass of water on your lower back

3) Elevated Front Plank With Leg Action On Slider

Key Coaching Points

  • Start with toes of one leg in middle of slider
  • Lift one leg - maintain balance before you start
  • Drive slider leg towards the bench and repeat 
  • Start slow and add speed as you can control the movement


  • Dropping lower back too low - keep tension in your core

There are 3 core strengthening exercises that are slightly advanced and progressed to help you get some different ideas to incorporate into your training program to get faster and stronger.

Seeing these examples, what are some variations you can come up with? Drop your favorite core strength exercises below!

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About the Author

A former walk-on football player, Gym Owner, and industry leading Speed & Strength Coach that specializes in helping team sport athletes sprint faster and develop explosive power that is sport-specific and translates to on-field success the athlete can feel.

His mission is to empower 1,000 athletes earn college scholarships by 2040 through coaching in person, his YouTube channel and the products he creates.

Josh Gibson

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