You can train and strengthen your core for baseball and add these exercises into your workout routine easily.
The key components these exercises have in common that help baseball players with their core training is that they are training 2 things at once which are:
- Anti-Extension
- Serratus Anterior Activation
Anti-Extension Exercises For Baseball Core Training
This gives the baseball player the ability to "brace" and create a strong core to generate force from. This helps the baseball player reduce low back stress from "overarching" while simultaneously serves as an "anchor" that the hips and thoracic spine can rotate freely to create powerful "whip" when throwing, hitting etc.
You can generate high force to throw hard or drop bombs over the fence if your core is weak.
** this is not to say the athlete will not arch their lower back. The throwing and hitting motion is very violent and the athlete will have some normal arching occurring while performing baseball activities. We just want them to have the ability to brace so they don't rely on passive ligaments and spine structures while going through that **

Serratus Anterior Activation
The core exercises we've provided here for baseball players also will be activating another crucial muscle for shoulder health which is the serratus anterior which all we need to know is that it helps stabilize and have a healthy relationship with the way the shoulder blade interacts with the rib cage for the baseball player.
It's not "necessary", but an added bonus from the strength and conditioning coach perspective. Checking a lot of boxes with one exercise.

Front Plank Saw
Baseball Core Training Exercise #1 | Plank Saw
The first baseball core exercise to add to your workout is the front plank saw. This teaches the athlete how to brace and keep their core tight while under dynamic movement.
How to Perform
- Start in a normal front plank position
- Belly button in, gently squeezing glutes and thighs
- Push your entire body backwards and then pull it forward without breaking in the mid-section

Baseball Core Training Exercise #2 | Front Plank+ Band Row
The second baseball core exercise to add to your workout is the front + band row. This is a great core exercise for baseball players because it hit's alot of points of done correctly.
With this exercise you're getting:
- Shoulder Stability (down arm)
- Anti-Rotation from having 1-arm elevated
- extra core "activation" when rowing the band in towards the body
- assisted overhead mobility when the band is pulling the arm up and overhead
How to Perform
- Start in a normal front plank position
- Belly button in, gently squeezing glutes and thighs
- Allow the band to pull your arm up and overhead then row the band in and hold squeeze for 1-2 seconds

Baseball Core Training Exercise #3 | TRX Fallouts
The third baseball core exercise to add to your workout are TRX Fallouts. The TRX provides some instability for the athlete so as they reach out and overhead, the challenge on the core and shoulder is greater so it can easily be modified to make it easier or harder as needed.
How to Perform
- Start in a normal front plank position (elbows inside TRX Straps)
- Belly button in, gently squeezing glutes and thighs (create tension)
- Slowly and controlled reach out your arms as far as you can reach while maintaining proper core position without breaking
- Pull your arms back under your armpits
Want to add 2-4 MPH's to your throwing velocity this season?
Live Baseball Arm Velocity Clinic - October 20th , 2018